
Snowflake for SQL Server users - Part 4 - T-Shirt Sizing

I mentioned in my last post in this series, that the Compute layer of Snowflake is basically made up of a series of Virtual Warehouses (VWs). Each VW is an MPP (massively parallel processing) compute cluster that can comprise one or more compute nodes. The number of nodes in the compute cluster is called its “size” and the sizing options are made to resemble T-Shirt sizing, as you can see in the main image above.


SDU_FileSplit - Free utility for splitting CSV and other text files in Windows

When I was doing some Snowflake training recently, one of the students in the class asked what utility they should use on Windows for splitting a large file into sections. They wanted to split files for better bulk loading performance, to be able to use all available threads. On Linux systems, the split command works fine but the best that most people came up with on Windows was to use Powershell.


Snowflake for SQL Server users - Part 3 - Core Architecture

The first thing to understand about Snowflake is that it has a very layered approach. And the layers are quite independent, including how they scale. Cloud Provider Services The lowest level isn’t part of Snowflake; it’s the services that are provided by the underlying cloud provider. As a cloud native application, Snowflake is designed to use services from the cloud provider that they are deployed to, rather than providing all the services themselves.


Snowflake for SQL Server users - Part 2 - Cloud First Design

In recent years, I’ve done a lot of work in software houses (Microsoft calls them ISVs or Independent Software Vendors). Many of these software houses have worked out that they won’t be able to just keep selling their on-premises applications because their customers are asking for cloud-based solutions. And more importantly, the customers want the software houses to manage the applications rather than themselves. So, many of the software houses start trying to turn their on-premises applications into Software as a Service (SaaS) applications.


Snowflake for SQL Server users - Part 1 - Why Snowflake?

A few months back, I started noticing that many of our clients had started to mention Snowflake. In recent years, I’ve been in lots of planning and architectural meetings where there was already a presumption that AWS was being used rather than Azure. I put that down to a great selling job by the AWS people who got corporate IT folk locked into large enterprise agreements early. And so no matter what the technical question is, the answer will be something that runs on AWS.
