
Book Review: Microsoft Power BI Performance Best Practices

Another book that my friends at PackT sent me for review recently was Microsoft Power BI Performance Best Practices by Thomas LeBlanc and Bhavik Merchant. Over the years, I’ve come across Thomas many times but haven’t had the chance to spend time with him, unlike Bhavik who worked here in Australia quite a bit. They are a good combination to write this book. Content - Downloads I like the fact that samples of everything discussed in the book are available.


Book Review: Data Visualization with Microsoft Power BI

Another book that I’ve been sent for review lately, was a pre-release edition of Data Visualization with Microsoft Power BI by Alex Kolokolov and Maxim Zelensky. It looks like it’s released now. I’ve known Alex for many years, and have acted as a judge in his UI competition each year. He has a flair for data visualization. In the book, he mentioned that he was initially puzzled by many people finding it hard.


Book Review: Microsoft Power BI Cookbook

I recently received another eBook for review from our friends at PackT. This time it was an early release copy of the Third Edition of the Microsoft Power BI Cookbook by Greg Deckler and Brett Powell. Cookbook Style? I’m a fan of books written in a cookbook style, rather than a teaching style. Often, people already know the basics and just want to get prompted on how to do specific tasks.


Book Review: Data Cleaning with Power BI

I was excited to see Gus Frazer’s new book on Data Cleaning with Power BI. Our friends at PackT sent a copy for me to take a look at. Gus has a background with both Power BI and Tableau, and it’s always interesting to see a mix of perspectives in any book. In this book, he shows a variety of data cleaning/cleansing tasks, then how to do many of them with M in Power Query.


Book Review: Extending Power BI with Python and R

I’ve seen a few books lately from the PackT people. The latest was the second edition of Extending Power BI with Python and R by Luca Zavarella: Perform advanced analysis using the power of analytical languages. Author The author is Luca Zavarella. I’ve been working with Power BI since before it was released, and ever since I’ve seen discussions around using R (initially) and Python (later), Luca has been one of those people that everyone listens to.


Fabric Down Under show 7 with guest Philip Seamark now available!

Once again, I had the great pleasure to record a Fabric Down Under podcast. This time it was with a fellow “Down Under” guest Philip Seamark, from across the “ditch” (as we both call it) in New Zealand. Phil is a member of the Fabric Customer Advisory Team and works as a DAX and Data modelling specialist. He gets involved when enterprise customers need deeper technical support. In this show, I discuss Phil’s thoughts on Direct Lake which is one of the very new options that came with Microsoft Fabric.


Fabric Down Under show 6 with guest Paul Turley now available!

Once again, I had the great pleasure to record a Fabric Down Under podcast with a fellow long-term Microsoft Data Platform MVP. This time it was someone I have known for a long time: Paul Turley. Paul is a director at 3Cloud and a Microsoft MVP. Paul has an amazing level of experience with business intelligence projects and has also worked with Microsoft Fabric since it was just a twinkle in Microsoft’s eye.


Fabric Down Under show 5 with guest Reid Havens now available!

I had the great pleasure to record a Fabric Down Under podcast with Microsoft MVP Reid Havens the other day. Reid is the founder of Havens Consulting Inc. and a Microsoft MVP, and a seasoned professional with a wealth of experience in technology, organizational management, and business analytics. Reid teaches Business Intelligence, reporting, and data visualization, and that’s what I wanted to talk to him about. Reid is the founder of Havens Consulting Inc.
