Why is Greg holding a book about a duck?

One weekend many years ago, my youngest daughter Erin was looking for something to do. She was a very creative child so I suggested “why don’t you write a book?”
She said she could write one, if she only had a title. I told her that you could write a book about almost any title. I randomly picked:
What the duck didn’t see
(with the emphasis on didn’t)
To get her started, I wrote some content, then asked her to continue. She did the same, and then I wrote some more. I turned out to be quite fascinating. I had no idea where she was taking the story and I’d be excited to read what she’d written. Along the way, my eldest daughter Kirsty wrote some content as well. My second daughter Andrea’s name was used for the main person in the story.
When life intervened, we hadn’t quite finished it, and quite a while elapsed. So last year, I thought it was time to complete it. And this (relatively short) book is the result. I also thought it would be great for the two of them to be “published authors”.
It’s the story of Andrea Blowhard who is a new detective in Lyttleburg, looking to make a great impression on her new boss. And a fascinating case fell right into her lap. You can find it here:
I hope you enjoy it. But more importantly, I wanted to share this as a concept that you might consider with your own children.