
Book Review: Web API Development with ASP.NET Core 8

Another book that I was recently sent for review by the PackT people was Web API Development with ASP.NET Core 8: Learn techniques, patterns, and tools for building high-performance, robust, and scalable web APIs. Author The author is Xiaodi Yan, who is a fellow longer-term Microsoft MVP and an experienced software developer, focussing on .NET, AI, DevOps and all things cloud-related. You’ll also find him on LinkedIn Learning as an instructor.


Book Review: Azure Data Factory Cookbook - 2nd Edition

The people at PackT recently sent me a book to review, and I was happy to do so as it was on a topic that’s dear to my heart: Azure Data Factory. The book was Azure Data Factory Cookbook and it’s the second edition of the book. The authors are Dmitry Foshin, Tonya Chernyshova, Dmitry Anoshin, and Xenia Ireton. PackT In the past, I wasn’t keen on PackT books. When they first appeared, they tended to be low cost books from unknown authors, many of whom struggled with writing in English, and pretty poor editing of the content.


Book Review: Technology Operating Models for Cloud and Edge

I was recently sent a copy of a new book by Ahilan Ponnusamy and Andreas Spanner, called Technology Operating Models for Cloud and Edge: Create your purpose-built distributed operating model for public, hybrid, multicloud, and edge. It was interesting to read this book. I spend more of my time on the Azure side of the fence than the AWS / RedHat side of things, so I have some pretty different opinions to the authors on many of the topics.


Book Review: Pro Power BI Architecture

I was pleased to see Reza Rad’s latest book Pro Power BI Architecture: Development, Deployment, Sharing, and Security for Microsoft Power BI Solutions: Rad, Reza: 9781484295373: Books now out the door. Reza is an old friend, fellow Data Platform MVP, and fellow member of the Microsoft Regional Director program. I was pleased to have been a technical reviewer for this book, and I hope that, along with the other reviewers, we have improved what was already a good book.


Book Review: Chernobyl 01:23:40 by Andrew Leatherbarrow

I’ve been fascinated by what happened at Chernobyl for a long time. Many of my readers wouldn’t know that when I first started university, I was studying nuclear physics and mathematics. Wasn’t long afterwards that I headed into computing but, at the time, there were very few degree courses on what’s now called computing. I decided to move on from that study for many reasons, but a primary one was that I could see Australia heading into a pretty solid ban on using nuclear power.


Book Review: Tripping Over Myself - Shaun Micallef

I’ve been a big fan of Shaun Micallef for many years. So I was very excited to listen to his new book Tripping Over Myself, A Memoir of a Life in Comedy both to learn more about his background, and to hear his thoughts on it. I truly appreciate his sense of humour, and as someone who speaks publicly regularly, I appreciate watching his timing and delivery. That’s the number one reason why I wanted to listen to this on Audible rather than reading the book.


Book Review: Leap First by Seth Godin

I’m a fan of Seth Godin, and have always enjoyed listening to him. Recently I finished listening to Leap First on Audible. When I started listing to this book, I didn’t quite know what to make of it. I always enjoy Seth’s anecdotes. At first, the book seemed more like a series of anecdotes than an in-depth treatment of the topic. It seemed to lack a continuous train of thought. I started feeling like I was listening to a collection of anecdotes from Seth, rather than a “real” book.


Book Review: The Incredible Unlikeliness of Being

Ever since I watched Professor Alice Roberts’ series on travelling Egypt by Train, I’ve been quite a fan of her work. (It also means I probably came to knowing about her later than I should have). Since then, I’ve been working through a number of her books. On Audible, I just finished listening to The Incredible Unlikeliness of Being. Amongst many other things, Alice is an English biological anthropologist. She also worked as a doctor in the National Heath Service in Wales for a while, but she left clinical medicine to focus on anatomy.


Book Review - Make Your Data Speak - Alex Kolokolov

Over the last year, I’ve come to know Alex Kolokolov more, through involvement with his data visualization challenges. I was really pleased to see he’d written his first book Make Your Data Speak (Creating Actionable Data through Excel For Non-Technical Professionals). Things I Liked I really liked the conversational style of the book. It’s all structured around an approach of “Let’s see how this happens by example”. The tone was really refreshing and should be good to hold people’s interest.


Book Review: SQL Server Query Tuning and Optimization

I was pleased to be sent a pre-release copy of Benjamin Nevarez’s new book SQL Server Query Tuning and Optimization. Last time, I reviewed his High Performance SQL Server book. This book seems to be somewhat new and somewhat an update, but this time with the main focus on query tuning and optimization. That’s pleasing as the main way to get better performance out of SQL Server is to fix the queries.
