
The Hack Summit 2024

One of the events that I try to take part in each year is the Hack Summit. I’ve always enjoyed it. The next edition of the The Hack Summit is on October 17th online and October 18th in Warsaw at Stadion PGE Narodowy. It’s a conference fully dedicated to cybersecurity. I so wish I could have been there, but unfortunately, that’s not possible for me this year. The organizers describe it as having “a diverse and rich agenda, featuring more than 15 thematic tracks, over 150 presentations, networking opportunities, an afterparty, and much more….


Azure: Breaking change coming for Azure VM Internet connectivity

I want to call attention to an upcoming change that I’m surprised I haven’t heard a lot more comments about. When you deploy an Azure VM, by default, they’ve always had the ability to connect outbound to the Internet. That’s going to change. Note the contents of this official notice: Default outbound access for VMs in Azure will be retired— transition to a new method of internet access. The TLDR version of this, is that after the change date, when you deploy an Azure VM, it will not have outbound connectivity to the Internet.


Book Review: Technology Operating Models for Cloud and Edge

I was recently sent a copy of a new book by Ahilan Ponnusamy and Andreas Spanner, called Technology Operating Models for Cloud and Edge: Create your purpose-built distributed operating model for public, hybrid, multicloud, and edge. It was interesting to read this book. I spend more of my time on the Azure side of the fence than the AWS / RedHat side of things, so I have some pretty different opinions to the authors on many of the topics.


Contributing to Microsoft Learn Community Content

Microsoft Learn has a community content pilot running right now. They are looking to see how content from community members might provide different value to the content provided by their team members. So, I decided that I should submit an article to see how it goes, and to find out how it works. At present, it’s all hosted in a GitHub repository, and no surprise, is all written in Markdown.


SQL: Understanding Change Data Capture for Azure SQL Database - Part 4 - Azure SQL Database Service Level Objectives

This is part 4 of a series on working with change data capture (CDC) in Azure SQL Database. This part discusses how to enable it and how to use it. When I was reading the documentation for CDC in Azure SQL Database, I kept coming across a mention that it required at least an S3 service level objective (SLO), if you were using a DTU-based database. I really hoped that wasn’t the case.


Service Principal vs Service Principle -> not the same thing!

I can’t tell you how many times lately, that I’ve seen people writing about service principles when they really mean service principals. These are entirely different concepts! I did a certification exam the other day, and it was asking about service principles. I was left wondering how many people had reviewed that before it was released. But what’s worse, is when people bake the wrong one into code libraries that others need to use.


Welcome Microsoft Fabric - Most significant change in Microsoft BI

Microsoft has had a strong lead in BI and analytics for a long time now. The introduction of the tabular data models in 2012 was a watershed moment. Today, they have announced a private preview of Microsoft Fabric. It’s a bigger deal than the tabular model was, and will set the direction of BI tooling for a long time to come. The opposition was already struggling to keep up, and in fact, hadn’t managed to do so.


Cosmos Down Under podcast 8 with guest Blaize Stewart is now published!

I recently noticed a blog post from Jay Gordon that was calling out interesting content from Blaize Stewart on antipatterns for development with Azure Cosmos DB. I thought this would be a perfect topic for one of our Cosmos Down Under podcasts and Blaize agreed to take part. So much content talks about what to do with a product, and even though everyone knows there are things you shouldn’t do, very little content talks about these antipatterns.


SQL: Understanding Change Data Capture for Azure SQL Database - Part 2 - How does it work?

In the part 1 of this series, I discussed the positioning of Change Data Capture. In part 2, I want to cover how it works. Log Reading There are many ways that you can output details of changes that occur in data within SQL Server. Many of those methods require actions to occur at the time the data change is made. This can be problematic. The first problem with this, is the performance impact on the application that’s making the change.
