PG Down Under show 2 with guest John Miner is now published!

Welcome to show 2 for PG Down Under!
I really enjoyed recording today’s show with John Miner. John is a data architect at Insight in the USA. Over many years, John was a data platform MVP, is a strong community contributor, and blogs at
After I created the Wide World Importers sample databases for Microsoft back in 2016, I did also do a migration of the code to PostgreSQL. That didn’t get released for quite a while but I’ve now seen it out there in the wild. I wanted to do a show on the migration but was concerned that I had done it so long ago, that I might have forgotten what surprised me at the time.
John has had a project in the last year that required migrating from SQL Server databases to PostgreSQL. I thought that made him the perfect guest for this topic. He’s knowledgeable about SQL Server and able to share his experiences and what he learned while migrating code.
He’s provided a link to his presentation details (including a PowerPoint presentation) here:
You’ll find this show along with all PG Down Under shows here: