Introducing PG Down Under - Focus on PostgreSQL

Introducing PG Down Under - Focus on PostgreSQL

Welcome to PG Down Under!

I’ve worked with data most of my life and I love all aspects of it, and PostgreSQL has been part of it. Whenever possible, I’ve attended local PostgreSQL user groups to make sure I stay across what’s happening with it, even though my primary work was with SQL Server. PostgreSQL has been part of many client engagements over the years.

For some time, I’ve been starting to build up a series of podcasts for PostgreSQL developers and DBAs.

PG Down Under is a sister podcast for SQL Down Under, Cosmos Down Under, and Fabric Down Under.

In November 2022, as show 5 for Cosmos Down Under, I recorded an interview with Charles Feddersen about Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL, and it covered a number of things about PostgreSQL in general.

So if you’ve ever watched Law and Order, or Chicago PD, or shows like that, consider this a cross-over episode to kick off the new series. While we might occasionally mention Azure options for Postgres, that’s not the primary focus of this series. Most shows will be targeted at PostgreSQL in general.

Thanks for listening, and I hope you enjoy this flashback for a first episode. It might also help to provide some positioning for those coming from a Microsoft background.
