ADF: Where did "discard all changes" go in Azure Data Factory?

ADF: Where did "discard all changes" go in Azure Data Factory?

I’m a big fan of Azure Data Factory (ADF), but one of the things you need to get used to with tools like this, is that the UI keeps changing over time. That makes it hard for several reasons:

  • It’s hard to train people. Any recorded demo you have will show them things that no longer exist, within a fairly short period of time.
  • Every time a cosmetic change occurs, it immediately devalues blog posts, tutorials, etc. that are out on the Internet.

I think Microsoft don’t quite get how much blog posts, etc. supplement their own documentation.

It’s the same with Power BI. I used to often teach a Power BI class on a Tuesday, as the second day of our week-long BI Core Skills class. And Tuesday was the day that Power BI changes would appear. So I’d be showing a class how to do something, and suddenly I’m trying to find where a tool I use regularly went.

So even people who work with these tools all the time, keep having odd moments where they go to click something they’ve used for ages, and it’s just not there any more.

I had one of these moments the other day in ADF. I went to click on the menu item for “Discard all changes” and it had vanished. My mistake is that I kept looking through the menus and wondering where it went. I didn’t notice that it had become a trash-can icon in the top-right of the screen.

So this is just a post for anyone else who’s wondering where it went. (Or for someone following a tutorial or blog post and can’t find the menu item).
