SQL: Substantial updates to our Advanced T-SQL course

SQL: Substantial updates to our Advanced T-SQL course

One of our popular courses is Advanced T-SQL for Developers and DBAs.

If you’re still writing T-SQL like it’s SQL Server 2000, or even SQL Server 2016, it’s time to look at what’s changed over the years.

We’ve just pushed out substantial updates to that course. The new content areas pushed out in this update are:

New Module 1 Content: (Using Common Data Types Effectively)

  • UNISTR - embedding Unicode within strings
  • ANSI string concatenation with ||
  • Extensions to TRIM, LTRIM, and RTRIM, particularly for removing characters apart from spaces
  • New options for CURRENT_DATE
  • Truncating dates with DATETRUNC
  • Grouping periods of dates with DATE_BUCKET

New Module 2 Content: (Using Special Data Types)

  • Creating tables of values with GENERATE_SERIES
  • Optimizing optional parameters by using IS [NOT] DISTINCT FROM
  • Working with bits (shifting left, right, counting, and setting and getting bits)

New Module 7 Content: (Ranking, Pivoting, and Grouping Data)

  • Using APPROXIMATE_PERCENTAGE (discrete and continuous) to enhance performance and reduce memory usage
  • Using GREATEST and LEAST to reduce query complexity

New Module 8 Content: (Using TOP, APPLY, and Window Functions)

  • Using named windows to simplify queries
  • New NULL treatment options for window clauses

New Module 10 Content: (Working with JSON Data)

  • New options for storing data by using the json data type
  • Enhanced options for OPENJSON
  • Using ISJSON to check JSON formats, including checking for VALUE, ARRAY, OBJECT, and SCALAR types
  • JSON_PATH_EXISTS helps when working with nullable data
  • Using JSON constructors to create objects and arrays
  • Using the new JSON aggregates

We’re really pleased with this update.

You’ll find more on the course here: Advanced T-SQL for Developers and DBAs (sqldownunder.com)
